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#22 Muslim Converts

Following a new religion is a life-changing experience. Often, when one accepts a new religion as their own, they carry certain characteristics from their old religion into the new one. This synthesis of religions is common in Christian converts from Islam. However, because the God of Christianity is a jealous God, it is wise and even mandated in the First and Second Commandments to leave behind the religion and god or gods that are against or in conflict with the Christian God.

Leaving behind Islam is a difficult task. Many countries with an Islamic majority are radical towards Christian converts. Their zealousness for Islam and Allah can lead to discrimination and, in some cases, even death. However, when a Muslim comes to salvific faith in Jesus, they can no longer serve Allah and have to worship Jesus as one Person of the Godhead. Moreover, they worship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three Persons and one God. Muslims may see this as contradictory to monotheism, but it is a struggle that even lifelong Christians from birth have to understand.

In some cases, Muslim converts to Christianity still attend a mosque regularly. Again, this is due to the fear of discrimination that is so normal in Muslim countries. The task of attending both a mosque and a church is confusing for new Christians. While some of the beliefs are the same, they are fundamentally different and often are antithetical to each other. New Christians must attend the church only to avoid the confusion of doctrines and be faithful to the God of Christianity. When they attend the church and not the mosque, opportunities to talk about Jesus increase with their friends who still practice Islam. Their friends will see a genuine change, and the opportunity to accept Jesus as their God and Savior is open for more Muslims.